578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

Parlor Stove, Albany New York, Ca. 1860

USA Ca. 1860

A great example of the Victorian cast iron parlor stove made in Albany, New York. Albany and Troy were considered top manufacturing areas for cast iron stove which were shipped in huge quantities during the 19th century. This one is marked “T & P Albany” on the side loading door for wood. It is suitable for coal as well if used with a basket to hold the coal. Included are two fire dogs for wood that can be seen in the photos.

This stove was possibly made by William B.Treadwell  & John S.Perry. Perry had different partners over the  decades and at one point was the largest manufacturer in the country. The designs are a combination of Classical and Gothic styles.

For more information on Perry and his partners see  https://stovehistory.blogspot.com/2016/08/john-strong-perry-of-albany-stove.html

For stove history in general see                                                          https://sites.google.com/site/stovehistorystuff/home/stove-catalogues-etc





Excellent Antique Condition. No cracks or rust out.


28" H X 29.75" L X 19" D

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Battersea Bilston Antique English Enamel Snuff Box

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