578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

Pair Chinese Export Porcelain Chargers, Ca. 1740

China Ca. 1740

A very fine example of Chinese advanced skill in porcelain manufacturing. At that time Europeans were only in the later stages of experimenting in successful porcelain production. The rim of the chargers are superbly decorated in finely engraved “bianco sopra bianco” white enamel.

One charger bears a sticker from Elanor Gordon, the former Grand Dame of Chinese Export Porcelain.




Nearly new, only light stacking wear. No repairs


One is 14" Diam. the other is 13 5//8" Diam.

Next Piece

New England Tiger Maple Tall Chest, Ca. 1770

A classic example of a New England tiger maple country tall chest made in the last third of the 18th century. Nice tall bracket feet and visually dynamic striping on the drawer fronts. An unusual curved bracing between the bottom board and feet possibly indicating a specific cabinet maker.