578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

Boxed European Flintlock Pistols Ca. 1780

European Ca. 1780

PISTOLS WERE STOLEN DEC. 2019. A pair of flint lock pocket pistols with cannon form barrels and walnut stocks. The trigger guards, the hammer arms, and lock plates are engraved. They are beautifully boxed in a late 19th century case which has what is probably the original presentation plaque in mother of pearl from the original case. On one of the carved mounted elements on the plaque is the engraved date in French “27 Avril, 1778”. Also include is a brass ball mold with 2 stamped marks I can’t see clearly. The pistols have no maker or country marks. the clasps on the box are silver plated and engraved.




Overall in fine condition. The walnut stocks have traces of an old finish and have faded to light brown. The barrels have some pitting on the exterior and are pitted on the interior. One lock is fully operational and the other only cocks half way. There is only one ram rod. The box is in very good antique condition with normal dings and wear.


The pistols are approximately 7 1/2" tip to tip. The box is 9 3/4" long, 7 1/4" wide and 3 1/4" deep

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Battersea Bilston Antique English Enamel Snuff Box

Battersea Bilston enamel snuff box from the George III period. The lid painted with an urn, pine tree, a tree sprig and a bannerol written in script “Fril Memory of a Friend”. The exterior of the base is a speckled blue and a white exterior. Snuff boxes were made in many different materials and an […]