578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

Italian Sofa,18th Century Carved Walnut

Italian Mid 18th Century

A fine example of Italian Rococo design made near the middle of the 18th century. The primary wood is expertly carved walnut. The upholstery is a light pastel green silk damask with white, buff and gold floral design.




The upholstery is in excellent condition except for some small areas of light soiling and the green silk is rubbed through to the gold just above the seat rail on the right end. Because of the the Mediterranean climate and the presence of native insects much of this regions furniture has succumbed to irreparable deterioration and wars.

The two center rear legs are plain replacements. The original legs have been restored especially to the lower third. There are multiple photos with some close ups. It appears quite sturdy and is about the heaviest sofa I have moved.


90" Long, 35" Deep, 43.5" Tall

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Boxed European Flintlock Pistols Ca. 1780

PISTOLS WERE STOLEN DEC. 2019. A pair of flint lock pocket pistols with cannon form barrels and walnut stocks. The trigger guards, the hammer arms, and lock plates are engraved. They are beautifully boxed in a late 19th century case which has what is probably the original presentation plaque in mother of pearl from the […]