578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

George III English or Irish Small 18th Century Walnut Game Table

England Ca. 1750

A lovely small example of mid 18th Century Anglo-Irish cabinet making. The inner left rear swing leg pivots to accept the fold over top to make a complete round top. The cabriole legs have C scrolls at the knees and the front leg has a stylized carved shell with pendant husk carving ending in turned platform pad feet. The frieze contains two swing out pie section drawers that pivot from one side.




Excellent. The finish is quite old so there is some deterioration but the overall aspect is quite nice. There is one patch on the bottom leaf at the right hinge which can be seen in one of the photos.


Height: 28 in.
Diameter (open): 31.5 in.
Depth: 15.5"

Next Piece

Federal Period Inlaid Mahogany Card or Game Table

Beautifully proportioned table with hard dense mahogany on the top. Turned and reeded legs, inlay on edge of top and on the frieze. Probably made in Southern New Hampshire or coastal Massachusetts.