578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

English Regency Breakfast Table, Ca. 1825

England Ca. 1825

A solid mahogany English tilt top “breakfast” table made near the end of the George III or early Regency period. These tables were made to save on floor space when not in use which is why they are on wheels and the top tips to the vertical position. The center post is deeply carved with leafage. The interrupted saber legs have carved knees that echo the same design on the cast brass casters.




Very good antique condition with a polished finish over the usual signs of age.


28.5" H X 34.5" D X 58.75" L

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Chinese Export Armorial Porcelain Small Platter, Ca. 1780

A rectangular platter with canted corners, floral swag border, a central armorial crest and orange peel glaze. The crest with the motto, SEMPER IN BONA CAUSA PERATUS (Always rising to a good cause). The armorial is of Morgan impaling Wharton. Evidently the Morgan family property is Tredegar House Tredegar Park, NEWPORT Monmouthshire, Wales. where other […]