578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

English Ironstone Vases, Ca. 1840

England Ca. 1840

English ironstone vases of the highest quality. This pair of little gems in the Chinese taste show people in a courtyard with random flowers, leafage and a parrot.The body is a medium bluish green. The gilded handles are in the form of dolphins.

There is no maker’s mark but it has a pattern “356” painted on the underside.




Excellent except for one tiny chip each on the snout of two dolphin handles. The upper tail scrolls on the same two handles are missing and may have fallen off in the kiln. The neck of the vase where the tails would have attached are perfectly glazed. This indicates they probably fell off in the first firing of the body before the glaze was applied for the second firing.


6" H X 3" W

Next Piece

Elegant George III Inlaid Satinwood Cylinder Front Lady’s Desk, Ca. 1800

An elegant amber blond satinwood small lady’s desk. The wood is outstanding and is nicely polished.