578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

Country Queen Anne Side Chair

USA Ca. 1730

A country Queen Anne side chair made in New England, Ca. 1730. The spooned back above a rush woven slip seat,  boldly turned front stretcher and brush feet.




Very good condition. It retains some of what appears to be its original finish. The woven rush seat is very tight and appears very old. The 4 sides of the brush feet have been partly restored probably because of insect damage.

Age appropriate signs of wear and usage


42"H X 19.5"D X 19.5"W

Next Piece

Pair of Cut Crystal Decanters, Mid 19th Century

A good pair of lightly cut hand blown crystal decanter. The side panels have a six pointed flower head with cross hatching. Shoulders have diamond, slash and cross hatching. The the stoppers have all over diamonds with cross hatching. They are clean and bright with a very slight amber cast.