578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

American Tiger Maple Side Chairs, Ca. 1820

United States Ca. 1820

American Tiger Maple Side Chairs made during the Federal Period in Pennsylvania. Made primarily from tiger maple with ash/hickory side and rear stretchers and hand woven cane seats. The back tablets have incised lines with leaf carving at each end. The central back splats have deeply carved leafage and scrolls. Chairs typically with cane seats are referred to as having separate summer and winter uses. Cushions were typically made to apply for winter and the open cane was to provide air circulation in summer. Numbers of similar chairs have been associated with the Philadelphia area. They retain a very old, possibly original surface.


$900 / pair


Excellent. These chairs retain an early surface which exhibits the characteristics of age that are normally scraped and sanded away by overly aggressive restorers. the cane seats are taut with only a few breaks. The joints are tight. The rear stiles at the tops have some open and some filled original screw holes as are the center of the rear styles filled. One chair has an old repaired crack on a rear stile just above the seat and another chair has an old repaired crack just below the junction of a lower side stretcher. For their age they are quite sound.


Height: 33"
Seat Height: 17.5"
Width: 17.5"
Depth: 20"

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Pair of Georgian Walnut Side Chairs

A pair of Georgian Walnut side chairs, ca. 1760. The crest rail is a “cupid’s bow” form with beautifully carved ears and volutes. The pierced back splat above two square front legs and “H” form leg stretches. The upholstery is usable but sagging a bit.