578 Main Street (Rte 7) in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 413-528-1482 Email: paul@paulkleinwald.com

Chinese Export Tea Caddy, Ca. 1820

China Ca. 1820

Decorated from head to toe with intricate patterns and scenes of domestic Mandarin life. It does not have a cover.




Excellent except for a small area (see last image) where some blue enamel has chipped out.


4 3/8" high, 2 3/4" diameter

Next Piece

Antique Cast Iron and Brass Franklin Fireplace

A fine example of the rising tide of American industry that swept New York State as a manufacturing power house. This example is identified in the top plate as made by “N. Thompson – New York”. Millions of cast fireplaces and stoves were produced in New York in the 19th century for use all over […]